RECORDS LiVE #2: Au Revoir Heart & The Silvertone/Urgent Care
September 26, 2023 at DBA 256
Deviant Donna
Our incredible host for tonight’s show is a music journalist known for her album reviews and delightful “Watching Bands I Don’t Know” series. When she’s not checking out up-and-coming bands, Donna is one-half of the live event production team, The Deviant Group, who are on a mission to get artists and bands paid for their work. Follow her on Instagram: @deviantdonna
Au Revoir Heart
Our first guest is the smooth-voiced frontman and guitarist for Au Revoir Heart. Inspired by Cheeky, the band’s mascot and muse, Dane has created some of the coolest neo-psychedelic music around. Check it out on Instagram: @aurevoirheart
The Silvertone/Urgent Care
A drummer’s drummer. Our second guest has played in numerous local bands for over a decade. He is a drum connoisseur whose kit and musical pedigree date back to the 1960s. He is currently rocking out with bands Urgent Care and The Silvertone. Catch them on Instagram: @urgent_care_music @thesilvertone